For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:12
Intergenerational worship is a model of intentionally including all generations in the acts and rituals of holy communal worship. For around 100 years, children have been excluded from a majority of worship opportunities for many reasons, most recently under the assumption that children "can't handle" grown up church.
My research and advocacy centers around Jesus' assertion in Matthew, "Let the little children come to me." In this directive, we are charged to find ways to bring children into the fold of our worship services so that we may all experience Christ together, as a church family.
For more information on how we can work together to bring this type of transformative worship to your community, head over to my contact page. Let's set up a consultation and planning session.
What is Waffle Church?
During my seminary career, I was asked by my very dear friend and colleague, Emily Scott of St Lydia's Dinner Church, to head up the work of starting Waffle Church, a Sunday morning worship service that would supplement the already existing Dinner Church worship services. I was thrilled to take on the task and was even more ecstatic when I learned that the Rev. Sarah McCaslin would be serving as my co-creator. Together we crafted a liturgy that addressed the needs of children (birth-post teen), young adults, middle-aged single folks, seniors, and anyone else we could anticipate joining us for worship. We use the Arts to engage the congregation in meaningful connection and reflection. There is often contemplative music, silence, worshipful dance, and of course an abundance of food to share and enjoy. Waffle Church is not children's worship, children's church, Sunday school, or even a Sunday school alternative. Waffle Church is church.